Class CLIOption<T>Abstract

A CLI option. Supports basic comparative, and set-based validation.

Type Parameters

  • T




blacklistItems: T[] = []

Blacklisted values.

equalityValue?: T

The value to be used to check equality.

greaterThanBit: boolean = false

If true, the greater than will be greater than or equal to.

greaterThanValue?: T

Value to be compared in greater than.

isOptional: boolean = false

Is this option optional?

lessThanBit: boolean = false

If true, the less than will be less than or equal to.

lessThanValue?: T

Value to be compared in less than.

useBlacklist: boolean = false

Do we use the blacklist?

useEquality: boolean = false

Do we use the equality operator?

useGreaterThan: boolean = false

Do we use the greater-than comparison?

useLessThan: boolean = false

Do we use the less-than comparison?

useWhitelist: boolean = false

Do we use the whitelist?

whitelistItems: T[] = []

Whitelisted values.
